High Reliability Teachers
Certification as a High Reliability Teacher (HRT) comes through Marzano Resources as part of its program to to encourage and celebrate teacher effectiveness. The rigorous certication process measures a teacher's pedagogical skills and knowledge in three specific areas:
- Effective Use of Instructional Strategies
- Student Learning
- Valid and Rigorous Feedback
What is a High Reliability Teacher ?
Teacher Seth Abbott from John E. Flynn a Marzano Academy was the first teacher in the country to be fully certified as a High Reliability Teacher. With Dr. Robert Marzano, Seth co-authored the book "Teaching in a Competency-Based Elementary School."
Who is Robert Marzano?
Dr. Robert Marzano is one of the most recognized and respected educators in the world today. Many joke that he is to education what John Elway is to Denver Broncos football.
For five decades, he has researched and written about what works in education. Dr. Marzano has developed strategies to help teachers go beyond traditional learning and achieve dramatic improvements by making all levels of education meaningful to students
High Reliability Teachers in WPS
Westminster Public Schools encourages teachers to pursue certification as a High Reliability Teacher. The district provides stipends for those receiving certification as they persure professional development opportunties. John E Flynn A Marzano Academy serves as a 'laboratory" school for the district and has frequent in person consultations with Dr. Robert Marzano, where other teachers are welcome.